Class Policies

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to OVIMA Global WHERE STARS ARE BORN! Here is where YOUR Holistic Journey with us begins. At OVIMA, we offer FUN Classes for everyone in various areas of the Performing and Visual Arts. We at the same time are a High End Performing & Visual Arts Institute positioned as a Mentoring and Coaching Institute for students who want to go from High School – College – The Professional Artist.

We are happy that you have decided to be a part of our OVIMA Family! To that end so our classes and programs run smoothly, we have certain Policies and Regulations in place. I encourage you to take the time to completely read this document.

Many thanks for your support!

Warmest regards,

Deirdre Lobo
Artistic Director / Founder
OVIMA Global


OVIMA offers various options of teacher student ratio (teacher: student) batches:
1:5; 1:1; 1:3; and 1:10 in specific areas of studies.

  • Students must be on time for class. If the instructor is wrapping up a class prior to the class time, students should wait patiently, and quietly for their time, and for the instructor in the waiting room.
  • All communication to OVIMA needs to be sent to:
  • Inappropriate behavior in class is not permitted. Examples of this are:
    • Student not listening to the instructor
    • Student leaving the room without permission
    • Student talking back to the instructor
    • Student using virtual background as in the case of online classes
    • Student switching of video or microphone unless instructed by the instructor
    • Student moving about excessively in the classroom without instructor permission
  • OVIMA has the exclusive right where the instructor gives the student one warning. Persistent misbehavior would result in student dismissal by the instructor and by OVIMA.
  • If a student cannot attend class, she/he is expected to inform the OVIMA office AND the instructor on the Class Whatsapp Group via Email and Whatsapp / Text 24 hours before the class, failing which the instructor will count the class for that student.
  • If a student is going to be away during the Summer, Spring break, or Winter break, or some other Vacation or time off in preparation for exams and such, the instructor and the OVIMA office is to be informed at least 1 ½ month in advance via email and text. There is no guarantee the student’s slot will be still available when he/she returns. In order to retain the slot, students should make-up at least one month of lessons before or after vacation in the case of 1-on-1 students. In the case of Group Class students, they should definitely sign up for one or both Make-Up classes scheduled quarterly.
  • Students must bring all materials needed for the class – water, headphones, books, instrument, pencil, eraser, and recording device.
  • Students must have a strong internet/ broadband connection for their class.
  • Students must have headphones or external speakers if audio of the device is low.
  • Books suggested by the teacher are to be purchased by the student and brought to every class.
  • Students must complete the curriculum requirements for the class period. This is in addition to preparing for music exams. Students registering for music exams must be registered through OVIMA.
  • OVIMA offers examinations in collaboration with:
    • Trinity College of Music, London, UK
    • London College of Music, London, UK
    • Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, Canada
    • RockSchool of Music, London
  • Any pictures or videos taken during the class or performances OR provided by the student, can be used by OVIMA for print or online publishing, and marketing.
  • Students are encouraged to constantly check the Event Calendar for upcoming events and sign up on the monthly tab of the same sheet. Performing regularly builds confidence, self-expression and stage presence. Students MUST participate in the Jam Sessions, Seasonal Concerts and other events.
  • Any class pic or video taken by parents, if in case shared online, should mention OVIMA Global.


  • Classes are held at the same time every week.
  • Students WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to cancel their lesson for tuition credit.
  • Classes CANNOT BE CARRIED OVER into the next class period.


  • There will be No Make Up Classes for Group Classes in the Quarter scheduled for the Quarter as per the level, and instrument, where students of the same level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) who have missed a class.
  • There will be rescheduling or make-up class given , if the teacher of that group class is not available.
  • For the One-on-One students, students will be allowed to do NO MORE than TWO Make Up lessons in the Quarter provided they have met the Make Up Lesson Requirement of informing OVIMA and the Instructor 24 Hours in advance, and provided the Instructor has available time slots in their teaching schedule.


  • If the assigned class instructor is going to be on vacation, the OVIMA Global office will inform parents / students 1 month in advance. They will also be informed as to who would be teaching the class in the absence of the instructor. The substitute instructor will teach the class along with the instructor at least two weeks prior to the departure of the instructor.
  • If the assigned class instructor is unable to teach due to sickness or some other reason, the OVIMA Global office will inform students / parents at least 24 hours in advance of the class, and either the assistant instructor of that particular class or a substitute instructor will take the class.
  • If the internet is down on the teacher’s side, and there are technical issues.
  • A student may be excused for missing a class for a valid emergency if the instructor is notified 24 hours in advance.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to request a make-up time for excused absences.
  • There are NO REFUNDS on tuition for excused or unexcused absences.
  • No refunds, tuition credits, discounts or make-up time will be given for UNEXCUSED absences.
  • If a student DOES NOT SHOW UP for a class, without any notice to the teacher or the OVIMA Global office via email and text, then that class WILL NOT BE made up and COUNTED AS A CLASS.

It will be determined whether or not a class is excused, based on the following examples:

  • Illness or injury which prevents school/work attendance – Excuse Make up option
  • Any absence where the instructor is notified by 8:00 AM and 24 HOURS before the day of the class May be excused depending on the reason – Excused Make-up option.
  • Internet down, and instructor informed at least 24 HOURS BEFORE–Excused Make-up option.
  • Lack of transportation – Not Excused – No Make-up Option – CLASS CHARGED.
  • Didn’t practice for this week as a result the student did not show up – Not Excused– No Make-up – CLASS CHARGED.
  • Forgot class, or “inconvenience” – Not Excused – No Make-up Option–CLASS CHARGED.


  • A student cannot learn music by just going to classes. It requires devotion, self-discipline, and time.
  • A minimum of 15-20 minutes practice every day is expected for Beginner level students, and 30- 45 mins for intermediate and advanced students.
  • Assignments are not excused until they are near perfection.
  • Quality of practice is at least as important as quantity.
  • Students will be given homework which must be completed before attending the next class. Parents are encouraged to make sure their student is keeping up with what is being taught and expected in the class.
  • It is MANDATORY that students practice daily with the Class Recording posted on the Class Whatsapp group weekly.
  • It is MANDATORY that students post at least 1 practice video on the Class Group Chat. Students must post Whatsapp Practice Videos on their class chats to receive feedback from the Instructor. Students are graded based on the number of Practice Videos posted per quarter as part of their Quarterly Progress Report.


  • If a student would like to participate in an audition, competition, or has an upcoming opportunity to perform, the instructor is to be informed so that he / she can prepare the student adequately for the audition.
  • Repertoire for such things are to be discussed with the instructor prior to these opportunities. Students should always perform pieces or excerpts that they are able to do very well and not do something that is very difficult or popular and do it imperfectly.
  • Always remember: First Impression is Last Impression!


  • Student fees are to be paid in full via the OVIMA Global payment portal on the website, by the specified deadline.
  • Students will not be sent the class link if they have not registered and paid their fees for ANY given class.
  • Fees paid after the set deadline, will be considered delinquent and will be charged a LATE FEE of 10% of actual fees.


  • When a student would like to take examinations offered through the Trinity College of Music, London College of Music or Royal Conservatory of Music examinations, then, the OVIMA Global office and assigned instructor is to be informed well in advance, so that he / she can prepare the student adequately.
  • All students are encouraged to do the music examinations which are in most cases credited to high school and college requirements.


  • Respect the class time of other students and wait quietly, and patiently and do not call the instructor as he/she may be with another student or class.
  • Arrive 5 minutes prior to your class time, and wait in the waiting room for your turn.
  • Parents are welcome to sit in on their child’s class and observe but not disrupt the class.
  • Parents of younger students may review the assignments with the teacher during the “wrap-up” period
  • Bring all books and practice sheets for the class